Monday, November 18, 2013

Gladiator v. Athlete

Gladiator V. Athlete
  In both ancient Rome and our society today we see some of the same things happen . In both society it shows how what we value ,  we pay to see people get hurt as entertainment. Roman gladiators were mainly prisoners or had a criminal background. In both ancient Rome and our society today you need to have certain features. For example a athlete and a gladiator both need a good amount of agility but you also have to be strong and also smart. Also in both our society and in ancient Rome we pay big money to see people get hurt , injured and sometimes even  maybe killed. Both society follow the same traditions , the better the player the better the life they live and the more they get paid . We have crowds willing to pay to watch these dangerous but exciting sports. One thing that differs in the roman society then in our society now is the social status of gladiators never changed. There social status was barely better then a slave. Athletes in general have a lot higher social status then more people because they sacrifice there bodies for entertainment and also they do a lot of hard work and determination . Both gladiators and athletes are alike in that they make a lot of money and also get a wealthier way of living . they also sacrifice the same things and risk things like being killed or even severally injured . In this assignment we can see how different the values of each society are. For example the lack of social change for gladiators even though they are fighting for their lives.