Monday, November 4, 2013

the trial of socrates

Athens, 399 BCE

It was a packed courtroom with 501 jurors. A man named Socrates stands accused of corrupting the youth and refusing to recognize the gods. The penalty demanded was death.A majority of the Athenian citizens chosen by lot to serve as jurors voted to convict him Socrates was  sentenced to death by drinking a poison. Socrates was a well-known figure in Athens for many years before the trial. The atmosphere of the trial was really tense. there was also a lot of hatred happening in the court room. 
 They each took turns presenting there arguments. each person was timed by a water clock. When it was Socrates turn to speak he began to apologize  to the jurors. He answers the charge of corrupting the youth by explaining that it was the gods telling him that he was the wisest man. He talks about how chaperon went to the oracle of Delphi to ask if anyone was wiser then Socrates  he  spoke on how the oracle said there was no one wiser then him. After he told the jurors that no one was wiser then Socrates and proving the prosecutors wrong he was sentenced to death.  
     In my opinion i fell like justice was not served . I feel this way because in my opinion he was sentenced to death because of the fact that he proved them wrong. Also because he told no one to agree with him or follow in his footsteps but they still did.  Socrates was only trying to express his thoughts and beliefs 
                                                                                                                                                       2nd paragraph. talk about how there was no one wiser .  summary of what happened during the trial and the atmosphere.

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