Monday, February 24, 2014

Child labor Today

                          Child Labor Today

    Child labor is a on going thing going on all around the world. Making kids work harsh hours, hours not even working citizens do with little to no pay. There also many things you can do to prevent it. For example be aware about this on going thing happening. Another thing you can do is talk to businesses involved with production of goods make sure there is no there products are child labor free. Make events/presentations showing this on going thing happening all around the world. Get people involved in the cause of spreading the word, let people know how serious of a matter this is.  Also encourage people to find and get more information on this topic. "Few humans rights abuses are so widely condemned, yet so widely practiced. Let us make(child labor) a priority.Because a child in danger is a child that cannot wait."- Kofi Annan. There are children in danger everyday we wait to make this a big discussion of the worlds issues.(1)
Kylych living his everyday life working at a mine.
    Some people ask why is there child labor? There are many reasons why . One big factor is poverty. Some families do not make enough income causing them to have to make there children work. Another reason why there is so much child labor is because companies are trying to become more competitive and win greater market share. Children are paid little to nothing which can help the company increase profits.Children are also used because they are unlikely to organize trade unions and have little power to demand better health, safety and wages.There are many real world examples of this happening all around the world. One example is a kid named Kylych he works at a mines, where there are life threatening conditions. Kylych only makes 3$ a day , but this money feeds his family. Kylych wish he could go to school but this job his family would have no way to eat nor survive. Kylych has seen his friends die right before his eyes. (4,2)

political cartoon of child labor. 
     There are many places where child labor occurs. In India there is about 14 percent of children working from the age of 10-14. Child labor problems are worst in Asia with around 44.6 million children have to work. Africa also has a high number of people of children working with 23.6 million. In these place these kids are working in harsh conditions where they can lose limbs and maybe die. In the past 10 years child labor has dropped by one-third.(3,4)

This political cartoon is showing how business man exploit kids just to make a profit off of them.
