Thursday, May 8, 2014

To Build Or Not To Build

To build or not to build is the question. The topic being the rail tunnel connecting Europe and Africa.  The idea being that connecting Africa and Europe would create a economy boost and also a vast place for tourist to visit, but there are many things stopping the construction though, one thing being that it would cost 13 billion dollars. Another being that there is no way for them to know if the tunnel will be a a success. If it is not a success and there isn't  a economy boost then they will be in debt 13 billion with out a income paying it off. Another concern is they would need a steady flow of people and goods going through the tunnel. Through this both continents would make money from the other. The main reason that this idea was dismissed is because of the main reason which is the geological conditions
Europe and Africa and where they are going to be connected from 
.  one of them being that the sea at this point is 1,000 ft deep.Another being that there is a lot of tectonic movements between the African and European plates. if these continents were to be connected it would be one of the  most modern architectural  projects.                                                                                         

Thursday, April 24, 2014

¿Is War Inevitable ?

  War is a thing some how always seems to happen. Some people might say war is inevitable but war somehow is almost always the result of most conflicts.War in some cases sometimes is just the only answer. Some people also can argue that war isn't inevitable. People can argue that war is good for the economy. Wars also are fought with a big purpose behind it , so whatever side of the war wins the war wins what ever they were disputing about.
   Many people can argue that war is not inevitable The reason why is because wars are fought over many reasons like religion, race, and ethnicity.  Joseph Choi from says " yes i think
    some people might argue that no war is inevitable. because there will always be people who do not agree with each other. In the beginning they may try to sort out their differences and work out a solution, and this would only happen if the opposing person was not strong willed, but continuing a relationship where beliefs or ideas are not compatible." Others might say that war isn't inevitable because of the fact that without a strong army, nation and government we would be like every other nation. With nothing to separate us from another nation. It is as our human nature to try and be better then one another , something  to show the difference between one another . (Document J)
  Many people also think that war is inevitable. That war can be stopped. Also thatwar isn't   always the way to handle things. In a quote from Nelson Mandela he states " if you want to make peace with your enemy. You have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner." This quote shows that war can be avoided and also that war isn't the only resort. Our voice can be stronger then war and has gotten us a long way looking back at the past. 
   I personally think war is inevitable. No matter what there will always be something to fight about. The world in fact never be problem free. War also bring a economy boost on both sides, with mad production of weapons, tanks etc. . To me there would be no way to stop war and this is why I don't agree with war being inevitable. Speaking can only get you so far, wars can take you beyond what your point was from the start. War is good for some and there will always be a economy that benefits from it. Even though I agree with war being inevitable I agree with it to a certain extent. I believe some wars can be stopped by compromise but no there is no way that every war can be stopped that way. Sometimes war is the only way to get a nations point across to the other     

- green history text book.

Hitler and the World

Hitlers rise to power first started in September of 1919. when he joined the political party named NSDAP.  this group was developed around the time of WW1. in this group he was a great speaker which helped him become the leader of the group. Also Hitler didn't mind using violence to get his point across. which helped Another cause that helped him rise in power was the treaty of Versailles. This treaty was assemble at the end of WW1. it was a treaty that ended war between Germany and the allied powers.
  One of the biggest reasons to me for Hitlers rise of power had to be money. Money is one of the ways most presidents are even put into the presidential election. Without a party wiling to help promote you and fun your causes there is no way to rise in power. Money could have helped Hitler go through with his plans and also help execute  them . Money is also the reason why some presidents actually became presidents. If you have no one willing to buy into your cause then you won't be able to become powerful. 
   Another big reason for his rise of power was because of attacks hurler sent on other parties. The storm troopers that were sent to kill Jews , they not only did that they also attacked people against Hitler. They also attacked people who were out to get Hitler. Many people from other parties kept quiet because they were afraid of being assassinated by his men. This helped bring him to power because even if his men were put to trial they were always set free. So they always got away with murder.
  Other people might suggest that there was a bigger reason for his rise to power. That reason being his personal qualities. This for example being he was a great speaker . His speaking helped get him to be the leader of Germany . He was said to be a very good politician . He was also very driven and a good organizer. 
     I find the source that speaks on his personal qualities to be unconvincing. Speaking can only get you so far. Money to me speaks louder then words itself. This personification is used to show how money has interfered and has overcome more obstacles then just speeches. Speeches only got Hitler to get to far. Money was what got him to be the ruler he once was. Personal qualities don't help support wars nor does it help you become the face of Germany. 


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Industrialization Through Today's Eyes

   The Industrial Revolution was a important time in history. It is also a big topic that we learn about in Global history. It brang about many benefits and cost. These impacts have a huge part of how we live today. The industrial revolution is know as a time in history that brang about a many good changes. With a lot of cost to go along with beneficial impacts it also came with lot of cost, people to this day question if it was actually beneficial.
    Some people might ask what was the industrial revolution? The industrial revolution was a period of time from the 18th century to the 19th century that brang about many to face many positive and negative changes. Some of the positive changes were agriculture, manufacturing, transportation and technology. Also men gained the right to vote, and most of all new jobs opportunities were given. At this time many people were given jobs because there was a lot of supply and demand. This helped give a economical boost. The industrial revolution also helped to  bring about urbanization.
This caption shows the factories where products were made, but once you come in anything goes, you cant lose limbs or even die in the work place

    There were also some cost to the revolution like lost of jobs, riots began to happen and burned down factories and machines. Also some workers were hurt from the dangerous machinery and since no one had sympathy for the poor living was horrible and diseases were spread. People lived in slums.Pollution was also a big part of the cost. We to this day live with the cost of pollution that came from the industrial revolution.  Humans have increased carbon dioxide concentration by a third since the Industrial Revolution began.

    Many people did benefit from the industrial revolution but also had to pay a price. Some of the benefits were financial boost, increase in employment rates, and also mercantilism. This help with the financial booth cause there was high supply and demand in many products. Also helped with economical growth which helped the country to expand globally. Also helped with faster production as products were made by machines with new inventions like the assembly line making it easier and faster for products to be made.
    The industrial revolution also brought about climate change. The rise of the industrial revolution came  about with pollution. Some people would question and also differ that the industrial revolution was a positive change. Also the coal released harmful substances into the air. Also the factories were running endlessly. Which means they were always polluting the air.

1) global textbook

Monday, February 24, 2014

Child labor Today

                          Child Labor Today

    Child labor is a on going thing going on all around the world. Making kids work harsh hours, hours not even working citizens do with little to no pay. There also many things you can do to prevent it. For example be aware about this on going thing happening. Another thing you can do is talk to businesses involved with production of goods make sure there is no there products are child labor free. Make events/presentations showing this on going thing happening all around the world. Get people involved in the cause of spreading the word, let people know how serious of a matter this is.  Also encourage people to find and get more information on this topic. "Few humans rights abuses are so widely condemned, yet so widely practiced. Let us make(child labor) a priority.Because a child in danger is a child that cannot wait."- Kofi Annan. There are children in danger everyday we wait to make this a big discussion of the worlds issues.(1)
Kylych living his everyday life working at a mine.
    Some people ask why is there child labor? There are many reasons why . One big factor is poverty. Some families do not make enough income causing them to have to make there children work. Another reason why there is so much child labor is because companies are trying to become more competitive and win greater market share. Children are paid little to nothing which can help the company increase profits.Children are also used because they are unlikely to organize trade unions and have little power to demand better health, safety and wages.There are many real world examples of this happening all around the world. One example is a kid named Kylych he works at a mines, where there are life threatening conditions. Kylych only makes 3$ a day , but this money feeds his family. Kylych wish he could go to school but this job his family would have no way to eat nor survive. Kylych has seen his friends die right before his eyes. (4,2)

political cartoon of child labor. 
     There are many places where child labor occurs. In India there is about 14 percent of children working from the age of 10-14. Child labor problems are worst in Asia with around 44.6 million children have to work. Africa also has a high number of people of children working with 23.6 million. In these place these kids are working in harsh conditions where they can lose limbs and maybe die. In the past 10 years child labor has dropped by one-third.(3,4)

This political cartoon is showing how business man exploit kids just to make a profit off of them.
